Saturday, 25 May 2013

Top tanning tips: How to get a natural-looking glow

While many people opt for breast enlargements, tummy tucks and facelifts to improve their looks, others stick to surgery-free alternatives – like fake tan! Creams, sprays, gels, mousses and other skin darkening products can leave you with a golden glow, so let’s find out to apply them properly.

Don’t overdo it
Open a newspaper or browse the web and you’re likely to come across a celebrity or two looking far from their normal shade. The wrong self-tan product can leave you looking tacky rather than tasteful, so it’s essential to choose the right shade. Opt for something that looks natural next to your skin tone and avoid going too dark. A fresh from the beach look might seem desirable, but you don’t want to turn heads for all the wrong reasons.

Prepare your skin
Self-tan is quick and easy to apply, but mistakes can happen easily. That’s why James Harknett, celebrity tanning expert and sienna X Brand Ambassador unleashed his Tan Commandments including adequate skin preparation. According to the star, you should remove any perfumes and moisturisers that could dilute your tanning product and exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate! The latter will provide an even base and stop colour settling over chapped, dry or flaky skin.

Protect your hairline and eyebrows
Applying fake tan to your face is fine, but it must be done slowly, accurately and carefully. A bodged job could ruin your entire look, so read the instructions properly and do everything in a natural light. Before you start, rub a little Vaseline or barrier cream into your hairline (especially if you are fair), as this will stop your locks from taking on the colour. Do the same to your eyebrows and sideburns otherwise all those little stray hairs you don’t want anyone seeing could become more pronounced.

Keep calm and cool
Every girl deserves a pampering session from time-to-time. These should be fun and relaxing, so try to keep calm and cool – even if you have an accidental spillage. If you’re no DIY beauty expert or are worried about doing something wrong, a trip to the salon might be more beneficial, but remember to bring some darkly-coloured, loose-fitting clothes with you. Flip-flops could also come in handy as you don’t want to be pulling on shoes and socks after a good spray tan.

Summer’s just around the corner, so why not colour up and make the most of your beauty?

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  1. Love this post! I’m off on holiday next week and this has definitely got me even more excited!xx

  2. Hey, you have a very nice site! Keep up the great work!
    Spray Tan in NYC


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