Tuesday, 6 August 2013

I was lost standing in the wilderness downtown

Denim jacket: Primark
Dress: eBay
Heart sticker covering up cat turd: c/o Photobucket

There's a right bloody story behind this dress.. I originally bought it from New Look in my second year of uni but it got stolen from my radiator after I'd worn it once along with a load of my other belongings. A few months later, I tracked down another one in the sale and wore it a couple of times before the washing machine ate one of the arms about 18 months ago. I'd been trying to find another one since then and I managed to get this off eBay for about £4 but it's a size too big for me so I have to belt it and the arms are a bit too baggy. Oh well, it just means I'm allowed to eat a lot of junk food until the dress fits properly.

This is what I wore today to go into Lichfield and have coffee, cocktails and lunch with my two friends Alex and Amy. We don't see each other often as Alex lives in Winchester, so it was lovely to have a catch up. It's also my little brother's 22nd birthday today and he's currently got a million friends round and he's having a barbecue and I'm meant to be making sure there isn't too much mess afterwards as my parents are on a cruise at the moment. I can see myself doing a lot of cleaning up tomorrow!

Sorry the photos aren't very good but I've really missed doing outfit posts. It's hard to get decent photos now I don't have white walls and a boyfriend to take them for me. I'm going to have to get my DSLR fixed soon and buy a tripod I think!


  1. Cute outfit! I have a dress like this too, I think it must have been the one you had from New Look, it's so easy to wear :)

    The Little Antlers
    Illustration portfolio

  2. Sounds really bad about your original dress being nicked. I'd have been so annoyed.

    1. I was! I went to the police and everything but even though I had almost £300 worth of stuff stolen and I knew who it was, I had no evidence so they couldn't do anything but talk to us all.

  3. Cannot believe someone stole your clothes of your radiator, what cheek!

    Water Painted Dreams


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