Monday, 5 March 2012

A Week in Instagram #6

Outfit post - Wearing my hair in a bun - Getting comfy in the computer room at uni - Wednesday's outfit - In the lift at the doctors - One of 5 buses I caught that day - Cheesey chips at uni - Spring looks like it's coming - Thursday's outfit - Dissertation so far - Dominos that we had delivered to uni - New favourite nail polish - Possible Banksy in London - Did some shopping in Topshop - New Socks - My exhausted face after #ldnlunch - Starbucks breakfast before work - Winchester in the rain

I got a bit snap happy last week, I had so many photos to choose from. If you want to follow me on instagram, my username is xhjw. Like the week before, a lot of time was spent at uni doing my dissertation.. I only have a week to go until it's due now and I'm about 2/3 of the way through it. This week is going to be so stressful! I had a nice day in London on Saturday where I attended #ldnlunch which I'll be blogging about soon. I did a spot of shopping on Oxford St before meeting up with some of the girls. I left a bit early though due to feeling really run down and needing to do some work. I hope you've all had a lovely week!


  1. them cheesy chips look damn good! xx

  2. i love this a week in instagram post as i dont own an iphone. envious!


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