Friday 16 January 2015

Fashion: Rosalina Nacken

Technology and Fashion are two of the most dominant industries in the world today. We all try to define ourselves through our unique style, labels, brands and trends. Similarly, we have mobile devices that allow us to share our styles and tastes with the world via the greatest invention of all time i.e. The Internet!

 Everywhere you go, millions of people are glued to their iPhones, iPads, tablets and tech gadgets. The world of technology is constantly evolving – phones that are disguised as watches are becoming the norm! Remember when you would see them in movies and think it was futuristic - a gadget only secret agents would be lucky enough to possess! Not anymore – children as young as 12 are now carrying the latest iPhone in their pockets.

 Luxury handbag designer Rosalina Nacken has embraced the evolution of technology. She has created a beautifully chic handbag with a built in designer iPad case that can transform into a chic clutch. The idea behind her brand is to bridge the masculine world of technology with the feminine world of fashion. Her innovation is making waves in the fashion industry as more and more designers are expected to follow suit.

 Men are no longer ruling the world of business. Women are pursuing successful careers, changing the traditional business moulds and making sure their voices are heard. We no longer have to choose between style and practicality – brands are now combining both so we don’t have to compromise. Do you have any favourite tech accessories to share? What do you think of Rosalina Nacken’s innovative creation?

1 comment:

  1. I love the fusion of fashion and technology - I definitely think we're going to see a lot more of these type products with the advent of wearables! These are stunning bags and it makes me love them even more to know they're functional too.

    SinĂ©ad xo ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥


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