Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Twelve reasons why it's OKAY to be single

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I know a lot of people are getting excited about celebrating it with their other halves and are eagerly planning what they're going to buy for them. However, I also know of a lot of single people who aren't looking forward to the big day at all and are feeling down about not being in a relationship which is how I felt last year when I had my first single Valentine's day in seven years. This year, I feel a whole lot better about it after being single for a whole year and I thought it would be a good idea to share some reasons why it is okay to be single, just in case some of you are feeling down about it.

- You don't need to make sure you've remembered to shave your legs/pits/big toes just to please someone else. (Thanks Elizabeth!)

 - You can spend the day lazing around in your tattiest pyjamas and you don't have to worry about wearing matching or even nice underwear.

- Everything costs half as much as it did before, so you don't have to worry about the train to London costing £50 or that meal in your favourite American diner costing £30 - there's only one of you now so it's half price!

 - You don't have to put up with any silly interests that men have like football (seriously, who cares?) or cars (yawn!) there's more time for what you actually enjoy.

- You can do whatever (and whoever) you want, when you want.

 - You can join an online dating site like Global Personals on Wikipedia, even if it's just for a bit of an ego boost because you get 10+ messages a day from desperate guys who are full of ass licking compliments. You never know, you might even find someone decent on there and even if you don't, you can get a good laugh out of it.

 - You can go on dates with whoever you want and get free meals or drinks out of it. If you don't like the person then you don't have to see them again. They get the pleasure of your company and you get a night out. Perfect.

 - You don't have to spend time worrying about what someone else thinks about you or worrying if they're going off you at all. (Thanks Cara!)

 - You can starfish in bed (as long as the cat doesn't get in the way and if she does then you can spoon her anyway) and you can have all the pillows, yes even the good one.

 - You don't have to put up with anyone else's disgusting bad habits and there's nobody there to tell you off for your bad habits. So when you want to pick your nose or squeeze that huge spot on your chin, you can do it.

- You get to spend time with the most important person in the world – YOU! You can also make more time for the friends that tend to get neglected when you're in a relationship.

 - Men are pigs.


  1. Love this post and agree with every single point made!

  2. I've been in a relationship four years and haven't celebrated Valentines once - find it a bit pointless personally! Loved this post though, sometimes getting to spread out across the whole bed is just so much better xx

  3. im hate valentines day and am i the only who thinks its cringey? im in a relationship but i treat it as a normal day and refuse to go out with the bf on that day. i deffo agree on most of the points

  4. YES YES YES! Love this!!!

  5. oh i love valentines, hate the fact its soo comercialised now but we actually dont usually do anything other than order a chinese and watch a film together and ejnoy eachothers company x

  6. Hehe this cheered me up about the whole 'being single on Valentines' day situation ;) thanks Hayley! Xoxo

  7. Haha, I love this! I'll be single again this year for another Valentine's day, but couldn't be bothered one little bit. At 27, I'm quite happy in my own company and ready to start a new life in September at university. High five to being single!
    Laura x | Life and Lipstick


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