Friday, 22 June 2012

Lilac lace

Dress: c/o Glamorous UK
Belt: New Look (came with a dress)

Hoodie: H&M
Denim jacket: Primark

Leggings: Primark

This is one of the three dresses that I was sent from Glamorous UK. I wasn't sure about it at first as lilac is not really my colour but once I tried it on I was in love. It's fantastic for brightening up these dreary rainy days that we've been having. I love how it looks on its own and I think it would look great at night with some silver accessories and some wedges but I also like how it can be dressed down for the day with a hoodie and denim jacket. I might try wearing it with my Dr Martens and my leather jacket, to ~toughen it up~ a bit. What do you think?

I've been spending a lot of time sorting out my bedroom as I will be moving out of my house in just over a week. I haven't got anywhere else to live yet, so it's a bit scary! I've thrown away so many cosmetics that I've had lying around since I first started uni three years ago. I've also filled a charity bag up with clothes that I don't want. I was thinking of doing a blog sale but I just want rid so I'll probably just take them to a charity shop next week unless any of you are interested in clothes in sizes 6 - 10? Let me know if you are!

I hope you're all looking forward to the weekend. I feel sorry for all those people at the IOW festival with all the flooding!


  1. This dress is lovely, you look so nice x

  2. The dress is so gorgeous, I love the colour, I love the lace. So pretty! x

  3. The color is so cute! I actually like it, think this suits you well!Hope u get to move in ur new house safely! x

  4. such a nice dress, i love the colour. i really want some lilac clothes xx

  5. Such a lovely dress :)
    I hope you find a new house soon! x
    Sirens and Bells

  6. i really love your dress, its so pretty and lovely color! ♥
    sunpinktea blog

  7. Love the idea of Dr Martens with this. Can be dressed up or down, fab dress! x

  8. so pretty, I definitely think lilac suits you! xx

    katharine from

  9. This dress is so pretty! I really like that shade of lilac. Good luck with the move, hope you find somewhere :)

  10. this colour suits you so much x


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