Tuesday, 28 December 2010

First post!

So.. I've decided to start a blog. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this, I'll try not to abandon it. It can be one of my new year's resolutions actually (not that I ever bother making any).

I got the name, Strangeness & Charm from a Florence & The Machine song I downloaded off iTunes a few weeks ago. She's one of my favourite artists and I've seen her live twice. I should have been there the night this song was recorded in May but I couldn't find anyone to go with me so I had to sell my tickets on eBay.

I don't think I'm going out New Year's Eve but here's a very Florence inspired outfit I put together on Polyvore. I don't own any of these pieces but if I had a couple of hundred quid going spare, I would definitely buy them.. especially the boots!

Cream Lace Bodice Dress, 45 GBP
Black Verity Boots, KG By Kurt Geiger, size: 3, 140 GBP
NARS Blush, $26
145 Intense Lashes, 5 GBP
3-1/2"x3' Gold Prismatic Happy New Year Streamer Wholesale China
ROUGE COCO Christmas Collection Hydrating Cr

That's it for now, I'm sure I'll update again soon once I've got over this fluey/virus thing I've had all over Christmas and have something worth talking about!


  1. Ooh I'd love a Nars blusher, I used to have one years ago, I will have to work very hard to justify buying one I think! Love your blog, especially the background! Becky :-) x


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